by deborah


by deborah


7 Ways to Market Your Financial Services Business in 2023

It’s a new year, and it’s also time to set some new goals for your financial services business.

It doesn’t matter if you want to attract more clients or generate more website traffic. You need a solid marketing plan to achieve your goals.

Many professionals in the financial services industry rely on old-fashioned marketing tactics. However, if you want to stay competitive in 2023, you need to consider more efficient and practical approaches.

Below are seven strategies you can start using to market your financial services business.

1. Website Design/Redesign

To effectively market any business in 2023 — including companies in the financial services sector — you must have a website. An online presence is non-negotiable these days, especially if you’re trying to attract more clients and build brand awareness.

Do you have a website already? If so, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re off the hook. If it’s been a while since you redesigned or refreshed your website, why not make that a goal in the new year?

Redesign your website with user experience (or UX) in mind. If people have a positive experience interacting with your business’s site, they’ll be more inclined to revisit it in the future.

How Do You Improve User Experience?

Start with speed.

A fast-loading website is a must. Ideally, it should load in under three seconds. Otherwise, you’ll lose visitors.

Consider website navigability, too. If it’s hard to navigate your website and find information on your services, people will get frustrated, click away, and look elsewhere.

2. Website Optimisation

When you improve your website’s user experience, you naturally boost its search engine ranking. Search engine algorithms reward websites that provide a positive user experience by moving them higher up on search engine results pages (or SERPs).

Don’t stop here, though. You should also prioritise search engine optimisation (or SEO) to move your website closer to the top spot on the SERP.

Essential SEO Tips

Keyword research plays a, well, key role in improving your website’s ranking. Find relevant keywords your target audience is typing in when searching for information online. Then, include those keywords in your website content.

You can also optimise your website for search engines by improving your content’s readability. For example, use clear headings and titles that include your target keywords. Use short paragraphs and add lots of bullet lists, too, for easy scanning.

3. Content Marketing

Remember the SEO tips mentioned in the previous section when you create content for your financial services business — blog posts, eBooks, white papers, etc.

Regularly publishing this kind of content on your website helps you improve your search engine ranking and attract more visitors. It also provides educational resources you can use to educate your audience — and that they can share with their followers to help you expand your reach.

Consider developing a content calendar if you need help creating and publishing content consistently.

A calendar helps you remember what you’re posting and when. It also allows you to create content in advance, so it’s ready to go on the day you want to share it.

4. Paid Ads

Many business owners assume that they have to choose between organic marketing — such as writing blog posts — and paid marketing — including investing in paid ads.

Paid ads aren’t a replacement for organic marketing strategies. However, they can give you a boost and help you get your business in front of the people who are most likely to invest in your financial services.

When you invest in paid ads, you can target them based on specific data, like the audience’s age range, gender, interests, etc. Creating highly targeted ads increases the likelihood that they’ll reach certain members of your audience.

5. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing involves publishing content on your business’s social media platforms — Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Social media marketing allows you to expand your reach and promote your company’s services to a younger audience. It also helps you build stronger connections with your current and prospective customers.

Remember that the more people see content from your business on social media and learn about your offerings, the more likely they are to think of you when they need services like yours.

6. Video Marketing

Sharing high-quality videos on your website and on social media is another way to grow your audience and share your company — and your services — with more people.

You can create all kinds of videos to build your brand, from explainer videos detailing specific services to testimonial videos featuring past clients sharing their experiences. Experiment with different types of videos to find the ones your target audience likes the most.

7. Email Marketing

Finally, don’t forget about email marketing. Email marketing allows you to connect with your clients — as well as prospective clients who have signed up for your email list — in a more direct and personal way.

Businesses can send all kinds of messages via email. Deliver a monthly newsletter updating your subscribers on the latest developments in the financial world, for example. You can also include links to your latest blog posts or videos to increase engagement.

To get the most out of your email marketing strategy, be sure to segment your email list.

Segmenting allows you to send different messages to specific groups of people on your list. For example, if you have a retirement-specific message, you might use segmenting to ensure that it goes to people who are planning on retiring soon.

If you need help creating an email marketing strategy or segmenting your list, remember that many professional marketing services assist with these processes. They can do the heavy lifting for you, so you’re free to focus on other aspects of your business.

Become a Marketing Master in 2023

Do you feel overwhelmed by all the different marketing tools and techniques out there? If so, focus on the seven methods discussed above.

Including these marketing techniques in your plan allows you to create a strategy that works for your brand and helps you attract more clients.