by deborah


by deborah


What to Look for in a Financial Services Marketing Agency

Have you recently hit a marketing plateau while promoting your financial services business?

If you want to fast-track your success in the new year, consider hiring a financial services marketing agency instead.

The right marketing agency can create customized plans to help you achieve your unique marketing goals and connect with your target audience.

How do you find the right agency, though? If you’re unsure what to look for in a financial services marketing agency, you’re in the right place.

Learn seven factors to consider in your search below.

1. Industry-Specific Knowledge

Whether you run an accounting firm or a mortgage lending company, you know how complex the financial services industry can be. You should also remember that not all marketing specialists have the same amount of knowledge of this industry.

When looking for an agency to help you market your financial services business, start by making sure they have in-depth knowledge of your field.

For example, do they understand the services you offer or the kinds of challenges your clients face? If not, they might struggle to provide actionable, practical advice that gets you closer to your desired outcomes.

2. Experience with Financial Services Clients

It’s also helpful to consider the agency’s current client base. Do they currently work with businesses in the financial services industry?

They don’t have to give you specific clients’ or businesses’ names. However, they can let you know if they work with banks, credit unions, fintech companies, etc.

If an agency has never worked with a financial services business, it might not be the right fit for you. This is especially true if you’re hoping for a more hands-on experience.

When working with an inexperienced agency, you’ll have to spend more time explaining aspects of your business and making sure they’re creating content and marketing materials that are accurate and aligned with your brand.

3. Robust Online Presence

These days, online marketing is essential for all businesses.

If you notice that a marketing agency doesn’t have a solid online presence itself, that’s a red flag. Why aren’t they practicing what they preach?

When considering a particular agency, look at its website and social media profiles. Are they well-designed? Is the information clear and easy to read?

If the agency isn’t putting its best foot forward online, that could be a sign that it won’t help you improve your online presence, either.

4. Clear, Multifaceted Process

During your search, take note of the different processes financial services marketing agencies use. What steps do they go through when working with new clients?

For example, do they include digital marketing services like website design and content creation? Do they assist with social media marketing and SEO strategy?

Ideally, the agency will take a multi-pronged approach to financial services marketing. They will also offer unique solutions based on your specific goals. If it feels like you’re getting a cookie-cutter plan, be wary of working with that agency.

5. Positive Reviews

Nowadays, you can find reviews for practically every business, from bakeries to banks. Do some online sleuthing and look for reviews for the agency you’re thinking about hiring.

Are people generally satisfied with the agency’s services? Would they recommend that agency to a friend or work with them again?

Check out reviews from a few different sources to get a well-rounded idea of what the agency offers and if its services are a good fit for your business.

6. Case Studies

Perhaps even more valuable than positive reviews are case studies.

Does the agency feature case studies on its website that explain its process in detail and share specific, quantifiable results clients have seen? If so, that’s a positive sign.

Case studies provide a deeper look into what the agency does. They also explain how it helps clients achieve their goals.

Pay special attention to see if the agency has any case studies from businesses like yours. If they do, it’s easier to see what they might do when working with you (and decide if you’re interested in that approach).

7. Prompt Responses

Once you have a few financial services marketing agencies in mind, reach out to see if you can set up a meeting or phone call to learn more.

If the agency gets back to you promptly, that’s a sign that it’s a well-run company that works hard to satisfy its clients.

On the other hand, if they take a long time to respond (or never respond), that could be a sign that they won’t be very responsive while creating a marketing plan for your brand.

Partner with the Best Financial Services Marketing Agency Today

If you’re overwhelmed by all the different marketing agencies out there, start refining your search by looking for the seven characteristics mentioned above. They’ll help you identify the most qualified professionals to help you build your brand and achieve your marketing goals.