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by deborah


Categories: Uncategorized

by deborah


3 Tips To Succeed With Social Media For Banking

Social media is no longer a nice-to-have. It’s an essential component of marketing for banking institutions. Whether you’re targeting Millennials, Gen Z, or Baby Boomers, there’s a platform out there for you. It’s just a matter of picking the right one, and delivering a social media strategy that resonates with your audience. Here are three tips to help you succeed in social media for banking.

Choose social media platforms carefully

It can be tempting when you’re starting out with social media to create accounts on all platforms. By doing this, you run the risk of spreading yourself thin. Consider your target audience, and find one or two platforms they use on a daily basis. Then create a strategy the focuses on the specific formats of that platform.

For example, if you’re targeting parents online, you might look to creating a Facebook account. In addition, you might consider a Pinterest or LinkedIn account. Your social media strategy would contain a range of formats accepted by Facebook, as well as images linked to a wider webpage for Pinterest. Wider landing pages could include blogs or whitepapers.

Alternatively, if you’re targeting Gen Z, you might start a TikTok account, as well as an Instagram account. You would then focus your social media production efforts on engaging short form videos and mini captions.

Focusing your efforts on one or two platforms enables you to really commit to those platforms, driving stronger results.

Build a strategy and social media calendar in advance

The easiest and most effective way to ensure regular social media engagement is by creating your social media strategy at the beginning of each year, reviewing and evolving it every three months, and putting together a social media calendar a month in advance.

Allotting a few days a month to planning your social media content will save you time, but also ensure you’re in the right headspace when creating content. Use your most creative hours, and then set everything up to auto post with a tool like Hootsuite. This will keep your content consistent, ensuring a smooth brand image and regular engagement.

Lastly, look over your analytics at the end of each month when you’re putting together the next social media calendar. What worked well?

What didn’t? Consider the impact of each post and let those insights guide you as you look ahead.

Keep things simple

One of the best things your bank can do to succeed in social media is keep things simple. Take complicated ideas and concepts and simplify them for your audience. For example, help your target market learn how to get their first mortgage, or how to create and manage a household budget. Provide them with valuable guidance by turning complicated issues into something simple. Use short sentences and avoid placing too much information in one social post.

Leveraging video, whitepapers and blogs across socials can be an effective way of repurposing material you may already have, saving yourself time and money. If you’d like to see how a content marketing agency can help your bank succeed with social media, get in touch with us.

3 Things Banks Can Do To Succeed With Content Marketing

Content marketing plays an essential role in banking today. Whether retail, capital markets, or wealth management, banks can benefit from a range of exciting strategies and tools to boost their content marketing and increase market share. Here are three things your bank can start doing today to help you succeed in content marketing.

Publish Case Studies

Every company knows to publish case studies on a dedicated case study page, but expanding your case study distribution to your blog, social media channels and re-targeting adverts is a great way to boost your content marketing. Case studies come in at a variety of marketing funnel levels, and help bring your buyer much closer to the purchase end of your funnel.

Leverage videos, short testimonial snippets and longer form case studies across a variety of channels. Use Canva to create graphic images with bite-sized pieces of your case study displayed in a way that draws attention, and publish across LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. Use a specialized writer to ensure your case studies are coming across well.

Case studies are great for both B2C and B2B. If you’re working in B2B banking, create case studies with the help of your delivery team. If clients aren’t happy to have their name included in your case studies, see if you can use descriptive terms, such as “Tier 1 Consulting Firm”, or “2nd largest food delivery company in the UK”.