by deborah


by deborah


How to support your sales team with funnel-driven marketing content

An impressive 87 per cent of sales and marketing leaders say that collaboration between sales and marketing is critical to business growth.

What can you do as a marketer to support your fintech or financial services company’s sales team and promote better alignment and collaboration?

One of the most effective steps you can take is creating better sales funnel content. In this guide, you’ll learn more about the importance of funnel-driven marketing content and find tips on how to improve yours.

The Content Marketing Funnel

There are three levels to the content marketing funnel:

  • Awareness: At this stage, people are just starting to learn about your brand, product, or service. They’re looking for answers to questions or want to learn more about a specific topic.
  • Interest: At this stage, people are more interested in your product or service in particular. They might be comparing what you offer to what your competitors offer or reviewing the pros and cons of working with your company.
  • Decision: At this stage, people are ready to — you guessed it — decide between your product and someone else’s.

Why Funnel-Driven Marketing Content Matters

Are you struggling to see results from your marketing content? The issue might be that you’re not writing blog posts or creating other types of content for specific parts of the content marketing funnel.

It’s not enough to throw content out there and hope that it lands in front of the right person. If you want your content to contribute to more leads and conversions, you must be more strategic.

Writing for particular levels of the funnel allows you to tailor your content better to prospective customers. If you can meet them where they are and answer their questions or address their problems, they’ll be more inclined to take a specific action after reading your blog, article, etc.

How to Create Funnel-Driven Marketing Content

People at different levels of the content marketing funnel have different needs and motivations. With that in mind, you must create different types of content that cater to those needs and motivations.

Here are some tips to help you create funnel-driven marketing content for each stage:


At the awareness stage, people generally want to learn. They want to know how to do something, how to prevent a problem, tips for handling a specific situation, etc.

When creating content for this stage, focus on things like blog posts, white papers, and social media posts. For example, you could write a blog explaining how to choose the right cryptocurrency investment or share a social media infographic explaining the difference between various retirement accounts.


At the interest stage, people are ready to dive deeper into your product or service and consider how it compares to others on the market.

When creating content for this stage, consider more detailed pieces that offer specific advice, compare two or more products side by side, or feature case studies explaining how your product or service helped a client achieve a certain goal.


At the decision stage, people are getting ready to pull the trigger and buy what you’re selling. They just need a little push to move forward.

Content for the decision portion of the funnel is meant to show the prospective customer that making a purchase is the smartest next step for them to take.

This is another place where case studies can come in handy, along with comparison pages or pricing pages that provide the final details someone needs to make a decision.

Boost Your Marketing Content Today

As you can see, there are lots of ways that you can enhance your market content to support your company’s sales team. Use the steps shared in this guide as a jumping-off point to start producing higher-quality, funnel-driven content.

Do you need help creating better content for your fintech or financial services business? If so, Fintech Content Marketing has the tools and experience you need.

Reach out today to learn more about our services.