by deborah


by deborah


How to Find and Hire a Personal Finance Content Writer (The Right Way!)

Are you looking for a finance writer to help with your blog or content marketing strategy? If so, you’re in luck! This post will teach you to find and hire a perfect personal finance content writer.

We’ll cover everything from where to find quality candidates to how to evaluate their writing samples. So whether you’re just getting started or bad hires have burned you in the past, read on for tips that will help you find the perfect fit for your business.

Step 1: Finding Candidates

The first step in finding a finance writer is identifying where to look for quality candidates. You may or may not already have a content strategy in place, but if you don’t, that’s okay! A good finance content writer can help you develop one.

There are a few different places to look for quality candidates:

  • Social media sites like LinkedIn and Twitter
  • Online job boards like Problogger, Indeed, and Upwork
  • Personal finance blogs and websites

Once you’ve identified a few potential places to look for finance writers, it’s time to start your search! When searching for candidates on social media, job boards, or personal finance websites, use relevant keywords. In our niche, keywords might include “personal finance writer”, “financial writing”, or “content marketing for FinTech.”

Step 2: Evaluating Writing Samples

The next step in finding a finance writer is to evaluate their writing samples. This is where you’ll be able to tell if a candidate is truly qualified or lied on their resume. When evaluating writing samples, there are a few things you should look for:

  • Do they have a knack for finding the story in data?
  • Can they break down complex topics into digestible pieces?
  • Do their articles include a call to action?
  • Are their articles well researched?
  • Do they have a strong understanding of SEO?

If you’re not sure about a candidate’s writing samples, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for more. A reputable finance writer should be able to provide you with multiple examples of their work.

Step 3: Interviewing Candidates

The perfect personal finance writer doesn’t earn that title simply by having a way with words, they have to be a good fit for your company culture. You’ll find the best way to gauge if a candidate is a good cultural fit is to interview them.

You can conduct in-person interviews if you’re looking to hire in-house, but phone or video interviews are just as effective if you’re looking to hire a remote freelance personal finance writer.

Now that you know their skill level, there is no need to ask questions about their experience or writing samples – you covered those in the previous steps. Instead, focus your questions on getting to know the person behind the resume. You can achieve this by asking questions about their:

  • Work style
  • Communication preferences
  • Availability
  • Expectations
  • Rates

If you’re still unsure, don’t hesitate to ask for a follow-up interview or references.

Step 4: Checking References

The final step in finding a finance writer is to check their references. An important step, as it will give you insights from people who have worked with the candidate before.

Surface appearances are often deceptive. Just because a candidate has a great resume and personality doesn’t mean they take their work seriously. Checking references allows you to get an honest opinion about a candidate’s work ethic, reliability, and professionalism.

Ask previous employers or clients about topics relevant to financial writing, such as the writer’s ability to respect deadlines, their autonomy, and the overall experience working with the candidate.

Step 5: Making an Offer

Once you’ve checked references and are confident in a candidate’s qualifications, it’s time to make an offer! Your candidate might have already discussed rates during the interview process, but if not, now is the time to do so.

When negotiating rates, it’s essential to keep in mind the type of content you’re commissioning. If you’re looking for well-researched articles that require data analysis, you should be willing to pay a higher rate than if you’re simply looking for keyword-rich blog posts.

As a general rule of thumb, you can expect to pay between $0.10 and $1.00 per word for personal finance content writing. However, rates will vary depending on the writer’s experience, the type of content you’re commissioning, and the article’s length. Allow the writer some flexibility in setting their rate, as they likely understand their worth.

Once you’ve agreed on a rate, it’s time to draw up a contract. This contract should outline the scope of work, deadlines, and payment terms.

Step 6: Onboard The Writer

Whether you choose a freelance writer, an agency, or an in-house employee, it’s crucial to provide them with the resources they need to be successful. That includes access to relevant company information, such as background documents, style guides, and past articles.

You should also give the writer a point of contact within the company to whom they can go with questions or concerns. This point of communication can be an editor, a project manager, or even you!

Finally, provide the writer with feedback early and often. The best way to do this is to set up regular check-ins, either in person or over a video call. These check-ins give you the opportunity to provide feedback on recent articles and ensure that both parties are on the same page.

Choose FinTech Content LTD

Finding and hiring a finance writer doesn’t have to be difficult. By following these simple steps, you can quickly find a qualified candidate who is a good fit for your company.

If you’re looking for a finance writer, contact FinTech Content LTD today. Our team of experienced finance writers are SEO experts and can produce content to help your business rank higher in search engine results and attract more traffic to your website.

Whether you’re looking for blog posts, articles, whitepapers, or eBooks, we can help! Contact us today to learn more about our services or request a free quote.