by deborah


by deborah


8 Benefits of Content Writing for Financial Services Companies in 2023

An astounding 92 per cent of marketers say their companies see content as a critical business asset. Do you agree, or are you hesitant to include content in your marketing strategy?

If you’re curious about the benefits of content writing for financial services companies, keep reading. You’ll discover the top eight reasons to prioritise it in 2023 below.

1. Increase Brand Awareness

Publishing content online — such as articles, blog posts, eBooks, and social media posts — allows you to get your business’s name and information about your services out there for more people to see.

With content writing, you can get people interested in your company without being too pushy or “salesy.” Instead, you’re providing engaging content that introduces them to new ideas, facts, etc. This approach builds brand awareness more organically.

2. Improve Search Engine Ranking

Carefully crafted content is a critical element of an effective search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy. In other words, content writing can boost your search engine ranking and help you get close to the top spot of search engine results pages (SERPs).

The closer you are to the top, the easier it is to build brand awareness and get people interested in your company. You also gain credibility because searchers generally assume that the top Google result is the best one.

3. Attract More Website Traffic

Getting closer to the top of the SERP also drives more traffic to your website. After all, 28.5 per cent of people click on the first Google result, and only 2.5 per cent scroll down to click on the 10th.

Increasing traffic to your website is one of the first steps to winning over potential clients.

If they click on your link and find helpful information (i.e., an answer to the question they typed into Google), they’ll think more positively about your business. Even if they aren’t ready for your services yet, there’s a good chance they’ll remember you when they are ready.

4. Increase Middle and Bottom of the Funnel Engagement

The standard marketing funnel can be divided into four segments: brand awareness, trust-building, engagement, and customer retention.

Content writing generates more brand awareness and helps you build trust in your audience, but it also aids in middle and bottom-of-the-funnel engagement.

For example, you can use specific types of content to encourage people to attend a free webinar or schedule a consultation at your office to learn more about your financial services. You can also use unique content exclusively for existing customers to encourage them to continue working with you.

Content also increases engagement by keeping people on your website longer and decreasing your bounce rate (the number of people who click away soon after visiting a site). People spending more time on a website sends a signal to search engines that the website offers valuable content, which improves its ranking.

5. Educate Readers on Your Services

Because you run the business, you understand perfectly what you do and why it matters. Your target audience might be in a different boat, though.

How can you better educate your audience on the value of your bookkeeping software or the benefits of hiring an accountant to help them run their small business?

Content writing allows you to answer frequently asked questions and attract attention from your ideal clients.

6. Gain Authority in Your Industry

You gain authority in the financial services industry when you publish well-written, valuable content that answers people’s questions and helps them understand complex topics.

People will start to associate your business’s name (and you by default) with financial expertise. As a result, you’ll begin to stand out from the competition and attract more interest from potential clients.

7. Passively Generate Leads

One of the best things about written marketing content is that it promotes your business at all hours, even when you’re off the clock.

People can access a blog post or white paper at any time, meaning that content creates more opportunities for people to discover your company and look deeper into your services.

8. Convert More Paying Clients

Quality content helps you move people through the marketing funnel and convince them to invest in your services.

When you invest in content writing, you can convert more paying clients and improve your business’s bottom line. If you want to gain a competitive edge and stand out in your industry, content can play an essential role in helping you achieve that goal.

Need Help with Content Writing for Financial Services Companies?

Now that you know more about the benefits of content writing for financial services businesses, are you ready to make it a consistent part of your marketing strategy?

If so, our team at Fintech Content Marketing can help. We offer assistance with search engine optimisation, strategy, and writing blogs, articles, eBooks, and white papers.

Contact us today to learn more.